Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Norwegian Heritage House

The original Norwegian settlers who settled much of present day Hagensborg in the 1890's brought a unique style of architecture to their buildings.  Not very many survive in the form where you can see the full design, but there are quite a number of the older houses have been built onto and the original plank work covered up, and insulated, but it still survives in one form or another.

This house was originally built and occupied on a farm a few kilometres east of it's present site in Hagensborg where several generations grew up in it.  The Sons of Norway 20 or so years ago were able to get hold of this house and moved it to a permanent site where it could be preserved and displayed.

Note the dovetail construction technique and how tightly and cleanly the joints fit.  Grizzly


  1. We didn't get to see this when we visited - so next time...the dove-tailing is great. Quality, the pursuit of or the recognition of, is one of the best things in life for me. Gilly

  2. maybe a coat of some sikkens to preserve it and freshen up the wood? soem pretty nice dovetails!
