Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fresh Snow Blue Sky

A perfect kind of day today in the Bella Coola Valley where we got a couple cm of snow in some areas and this time the mid valley area around the airport got nearly 8-10 cm.  It made for a nice day when the sun cleared out the overnight clouds and blue skies were the order of the day.  Grizzly


  1. hey Grizzly,

    the amount of snow and cold you are getting in the valley this winter is that normal or is it a bit whiter and colder this winter? I know we have quite a bit of snow this year in 100 Mile House and the winter is definitely colder than last, mind you not as bad as the one we got two years ago.

    How are the people in the valley doing now that they have had some time to start getting their homes in order after the flood ? I imagine there is still lots to be done.

  2. Thank you for your comment - I would say our winter has been slightly cooler than average, but not in extremes, just lots of days of stable temperatures near 0 and few days in the higher single digits. Our snow levels are about average, a few cycles of freezing and thawing are normal.

    I think most people are slowing seeing progress on the obvious stuff such as fixed up homes, but still some longer term issues such as what to do the next time and finding equipment and things that are damaged from water and silt. One interesting comment I've heard from a number of people is that the silt which was horrendous, is really corrosive on steel - the theory being that a lot of the silt came out of the Atnarko watershed which is of volcanic origin and possibly a little corrosive. Grizzly
