Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Saturday, October 9, 2010

This Ain't no Beaver!

While up the valley today helping a friend clean up after flood damage a large male grizzly bear stepped out on the river bank.   He sized us up from about 50 metres away and wanted to go downstream, but didn't want to walk through the area where we were near the river. He nonchalantly jumped in the river, swam around us and downstream a ways and climbed back out of the river and carried on with his business, which I am sure was patrolling for something good to eat.  Fish and fish carcasses are not overly abundant right now, so we wished him luck.  He was a beautiful colour.

Flood cleanup is ongoing, as are road repairs.  The more stories you hear from people and the events they went through during the flood the more you have to admire the human spirit to persevere.  I wish I had time to collect them all for a book or something because in the lore of Bella Coola history the Great Flood of 2010 will be passed from generation to generation.  Grizzly


  1. Grizzly:

    Great blog about an amazing area. Keep up the good work. Its great to have someone keep us informed about that part of the province.



  2. Very cool about the grizzly. Nice picture.What a great place you live in!

  3. Hi Grizzly - it would be great to have a record of the human spirit enduring the 2010 flood - even if it was a paragraph or two from just a few. Anything is better than nothing for future generations. The museum would be most appreciative I would think, as would many people to come. Love the bear pic and story. Gilly

  4. how was the wind last night? any damage?

  5. you copyright your pictures grizz?
    saw this in an energy journal

  6. Thanks for the heads up. I emailed that site and asked them to give me credit for my photo. Also updated my policy for using my material - see on the left - About Bellacoolablog.

  7. Thanks for your good work documenting the flood and recovery. I was already a reader of your blog, before; now it's the first thing I look for when I go online.

    "I wish I had time to collect them all for a book or something because in the lore of Bella Coola history the Great Flood of 2010 will be passed from generation to generation."

    Maybe you should be writing that book, whether or not you get all the stories.

  8. Amazing pictures! We've spent some days in Bella Coola Valley in September and we were so shocked to hear about horrible flood.
