Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Have Helicopter - Will Fly Bridge

While we enjoyed the unexpected bonus of another warm October sunny day and continued to work on assisting people with flood cleanup, there was a steady pattern of large helicopters going over head, carrying bridge parts destined for one of the bridges in the valley where residents are still cut off.  Helicopters have been another essential item in this flood, lots of people would have been in a bad way without them on the Great Flood of 2010.  Progress on dike repair and bridge work continues, hopefully another day or so and the road will be open for the Salloomt River area residents. Grizzly

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grizzly - we have followed your posts throughout the flood. Very glad it seems to be over and people will have a chance to slowly adjust to their plights. Everyone has been on our minds throughout this time. Thanks for keeping us posted. We did vote for Freedom Highway and are very pleased it won. Gilly
