North Bentinck Arm looking east to the Bella Coola Valley |
Today is the end of the first year of the
www.bellacoolablog.com. One year ago, inspired by other bloggers, I decided that I would try for a year to write a blog. My goals were simple.
- To improve my writing skills;
- To commit to trying to say something worthwhile everyday;
- To give people an idea about the weather and the trends in the Bella Coola Valley;
- Most of all I felt I had something to say about the Bella Coola Valley, the Central Coast and the Western Chilcotin that some people might find interesting.
Did I succeed?
Not sure if my writing skills got any better, but I spent a lot of time and some late nights doing research to put some of the posts together. I asked my wife a lot of times how to spell some words. I know I've got more work on this front - especially when I read a blog that someone writes really well.
Initially I set a goal of making one post per day. For the first month it was really easy, then from about month 3-5 it was a struggle. I wasn't sure there was a point in it or how many different ways I could say "Grey and Dull", or whether anyone was actually reading it and getting much out of it. I persevered and after about month 6, I started to enjoy it more and it became a daily task that just got done. I watched less TV and wrote more. I think I technically missed writing a post 3 days out of 365, but I ended up making more than 365 posts in total. I'm giving myself a pass on this goal.
This last year has more than ever shown how important the weather is to life in the Bella Coola Valley. Perhaps more so than many other places, we are really a weather dependent community - I find that part of our existence quite fascinating because it's so elemental to how humans have had to pay attention to weather to survive in our history on the planet. When it was hot people were on edge due to the fire potential and the potential to lose our access through road closures. The Great Flood of 2010 has reinforced that we all need to pay attention to weather warnings, wet trends, freezing levels, snow pack and wind storms; they can really mess up our valley. When I was short on time or short on ideas, writing a post was easy, but probably pretty boring to some readers to just summarize the weather for the day. My family would say, "Where's the picture?" I like watching weather and whenever I'm away from Bella Coola I was always asking my wife or looking on the internet to find out what the weather was doing at home, so one goal of my blog was to give people a sense of the weather and the trends in the Bella Coola Valley. I'm giving myself a pass on this goal as well. I've found myself already looking back at a particular day or period to see what the weather was like, so it forms a good record if nothing else.
Did I say anything interesting or useful about the Bella Coola area? Well it helped that we had one near natural disaster (the dry season with fires and road closures) and one real natural disaster - The Great Flood of 2010. I could do without both though next year. I covered a few tidbits about natural history and plants and some things and features about the valley. I always go back to plants when I run out of weather and other ideas - it's in my background. The comments I get are a pretty good indicator if I've said something interesting. If I get no comments, then I know it was basically just a piece of information.
Is there anymore to say about this area? I think so. There is always the weather, but there are still interesting things to talk about. It's a really interesting area with one foot in the coast and one foot in the interior and the change between those two climates and regions is short and dramatic -- it provides for some interesting situations here. Will I continue the bellacoolablog? I think so. I've got more work to do on the writing skills, and the weather will always be there to talk about.
What do the blog readers want to read? Please give me your comments if you are reader and want to see more or less of something. I don't intend to take the role of the local newspaper in reporting general valley news unless it's weather news, but I am sure there are areas and topics of interest out there. I may not be as diligent in getting a post out every night, but I'll try.
Thank you to the nearly 17,000 people who looked at nearly 25,000 page views of my blog and posted comments.
Grizzly - one year later.