Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Thursday, December 2, 2010

How Much Snow?

We had a little bit of snow again in the Bella Coola Valley last night - maybe 2 or 3 cm, but it stayed near 0 C and above all day.  There were some nice blue patches with really good views of all the fresh snow on the mountains, but I opted for this sultry picture looking up Snootli Creek Valley today.  The cloud and light was intermixed with a bit of wood burning smoke coming from the Klonnik rock pit - just a wee bit east of Snootli.   The Kloonik rock pit is an important place these days - people and machines have been toiling away since late September clearing, drilling and blasting beautiful whitish hard granite.  It's the source of rock for the repairs to the dikes in the valley that were damaged in the Great Flood of 2010.

How much snow have you got?  That question must get asked in Canada in the winter time more than any other when you talk to people at work in other places and family and friends across the country. It's also a prime reason why I write the bellacoolablog, to keep readers up on that topic for the Bella Coola Valley.  The only hard part is that there is such a range in the valley, you can never give one answer!  But here it is for today.  About 1" or so in town, less than 2" in Hagensborg, about 3-4" in the Nusatsum area and upper valley.  Grizzly


  1. The weather around Victoria is similar. Lots of micro climates in the area. On Monday there was no snow left in town but out near Todd Inlet where I go hiking with the dog, there was still quite a few inches on the ground. The dog loved it!

  2. Grizzly

    I'm going to come visit your valley next summer--have always wanted to so I will. Your valley is similar to the Stehikin Valley at the head of Lake Chelan--they have a glacier fed river like you but a cold east side climate and you have a wet damp marine climate. You have a road into your valley, but they can only get in by boat or plane.

    I read your previous post on gravestones and lichens and glaciology. You hoped you would have a large gravestone to mark your resting place. The thought that hit me is why wait till you are gone to pick your stone--pick a big one now that fits your fancy and specifications. You know the ole saying "No garrentee of tomorrow".
