Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Monday, August 1, 2011

Rainbow Range

Finally a warm and mostly sunny day in the Bella Coola Valley and Chilcotin.  We took advantage of that and made the Rainbow Range hike which starts at the East Branch parking lot at the top of the Highway 20 hill out of Bella Coola.  It's about 2 hours of hiking to get fully up in the alpine and at some really nice alpine lakes where you can further view the various ranges of mountains.  Even the mosquitoes weren't a real annoyance today.

Back in the valley - the Haying is on!  Several farmers started cutting their fields today, lets hope the weather holds with lots of dry west wind. Grizzly


  1. Glad you got out. The rainy pattern has been hitting a lot of the W. U.S., too. Record rains and chilly.

  2. Grizzly,

    I am going to Tweedsmuir Park July 2012 and was wanting to see the Rainbow Range, can you do the hike in a day? My husband and I are fit but not experienced back country hikers.
    If you don't think it is possible, where can you get a good view of the Range?



  3. Hi Francesca. On a good day you can get a view of some of the Rainbow Mountains from Highway 20 in Tweedsmuir Park. There is a hike you can take from the East Branch parking lot called the Rainbow Range trail, which takes about 2.5 hours to hike to some alpine lakes and you have very nice views of some of the Rainbows from there. Take bug spray, bear spray and there will be muddy spots in July (lots of bugs). The first part climbs pretty good, but then it's a steady gentle grade. Grizzly
