In the lower Atnarko River Valley (east end of the Bella Coola Valley) within Tweedsmuir Park are some old private homesteads, some still with buildings. A couple of these properties were locations for scenes in the 2008 movie
The Incredible Hulk starring Edward Norton. In a scene near the end of the movie he is seen running across a nice open field which is in a really beautiful section of the middle portion of the Atnarko River (not accessible right now because of flood damage from 2010). In a scene near the very end of the movie, the Hulk has retreated to gain his composure, and he is seen sitting at a desk in an old cabin writing a letter which if you watch closely is closed with the words, Bella Coola BC. The cabin is the one in this photo which is on private land at the old settlement of Belarko, just 2 kms upstream from Stuie BC. It's kind of a cool old cabin and a good spot for movie scenes. Maybe the Hulk regained enough composure to launch a return from Bella Coola; it's the kind of place where a guy like
The Incredible Hulk can get his attitude straightened out.
You're right - very cool old cabin!