Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bread for Sale

I'm not a disaster management expert, but it's not hard to figure out that in any disaster keeping panic away and getting back to normal as fast as possible are key.  Normal doesn't have to mean everything back the way it was, but simply getting people doing routine things again is important.  It was one of those observations this morning on the way to work, while dodging graders, gravel trucks and traffic controllers that I stopped for a moment and held up the traffic to take this photo.  Exactly what we need, people doing what other people need - baking and selling  fresh bread.

My wife and I like many people have been helping people clean-up.  The silt is miserable, no other way to describe it.  If you've been to Bella Coola in the spring through fall and seen the rivers here, you know that fine glacial 'flour' is carried in the water.  While the flooding rivers were basically mud puddle brown during the flood from all the soil being eroded, hidden in that mud, is that fine glacial silt.  It gets into every possible place.  I cleaned a rifle scope that had been submerged and I can't even find a way to get the water out the scope is sealed so tightly, but the water is full of fine silt.  After it goes through it's mucky phase - it dries and hardens and then makes nice dust, like the stuff on the runaway of the Bella Coola Airport.  It was a fine September day though, 22 C a bit of outflow in the morning, warm and sunny in the afternoon - a perfect fall day. Grizzly

1 comment:

  1. Grizzly - I love your blog! Thanks for posting pictures of the flooded areas, I put a link to your site on one of my tweets for today Oct 1st. Hope everyone is doing okay!
