Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bear Damage

Around this time of year it's prime time for grizzly and black bears looking for a lot of food, usually spawning salmon, but also any other kind of fruits and berries.  There has been a lot of work to improve the bear awareness of communities by better handling of garbage, pet food, composts, bbq's, fruit trees and gardens.  All good things to help keep bears feeding naturally.  The other night we watched a young grizzly bear off on the other side of our field doing just that.  They love the berries of the mountain ash tree Sorbus sitchensis which are heavily loading the trees this time of year.  Ash trees are wild and quite common in the
Bella Coola Valley, so even when we eliminate the fruit trees as a source, the bears will still be attracted to the ash and if you have any around your property you will just have to enjoy watching the techniques of the bears to push them over and then clean up the mess.  Grizzly


  1. I can relate to you about the bear. We have a lot of berries but the birds have cleaned us out this year, mountain ash included.

  2. Good Afternoon Grizzly,

    I have just been reading your blog and enjoying it. I am planning to make my first trip to Bella Coola likely one night Monday Sept. 27th. for a quick visit. Looking for a Motel,Hotel any recommendations.

  3. We get Black bears after the orchards but thankfully no Grizzlies
