Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Caribou on Caribou Flats

In the Chilcotin along Highway 20 east of Nimpo Lake a few kilometres is a brushy meadow known as Caribou flats -- I'm sure the real reason it was named Caribou Flats was probably because Caribou used to be seen there lots.  While I've seen Caribou many times near the flats, I finally saw my first Caribou right out on the flats last week.  They seemed pretty happy to be browsing along the meadows, where the moose and cows that browse and graze didn't eat everything up last fall and winter.  They are part of a herd that lives in the nearby Itcha Mountains or possibly on Mount Kappan.

Today in the Bella Coola Valley the weather was much improved, lots of sunny periods, but still not really warm. The fresh snow in the mountains of the last few days only melted a part way up the mountains, but the freezing level is still quite a ways down the mountains. Grizzly

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