Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Monday, December 17, 2012

Palm Reading

As I was leaving my driveway in the dark this morning, I noticed some unusual tracks crossing it so I backed up to see what they were.  When I saw it was a fresh grizzly bear track it made sense of why the dog was so barky when she was outside earlier.  I captured this photo in the light of the headlights and it highlights the palm print well.  I'm no expert in reading palms, but if you could read them, I bet you the lines on this big set of tracks could tell you some scary stories!  Grizzly


  1. Your namesake was just stopping by for a visit. What, no room for a relative? On the serious side, I would to hate to meet up with a bear in the dark. Just not brave enough. Fortunately, with our large granite cliff, the bears don't come to visit. - Margy

  2. Thought they were all hibernating at this time. Is trhis unusual for December?

    1. It's not abnormal. Hibernation happens when fat reserves are good and snow conditions are good. We probably have decent snow conditions on the north facing slopes of mid slopes and up, but some of the bears had a difficult time getting enough food due to poor salmon runs this year. They have to work at it longer. Grizzly

  3. living in the UK it is incredible to read about bears, although we all share the same planet we are poles apart in many ways! thanks for sharing
