Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thunder Mountain

It dawned a pretty decent day in the Bella Coola Valley today.  Some blue sky and high clouds allowed us some nice views of the mountain tops with all their fresh snow.  I was able to catch a shot of Thunder Mountain in the distance, when there was brief clearing.  It has a lot of fresh snow.

Unfortunately about 4 PM the skies opened up and a cold steady rain started which at 3 C on the valley bottom surely must mean more snow falling mid way up the mountains. They are not forecasting a cold trend, but more of the same kind of weather as today.  Grizzly


  1. Is it called that because of avalanches?

    Nice photo and beautiful mtn.

  2. It is called Thunder Mountain, because on the Northeast side there is a glacier which moves in the summer and as it moves it makes "Thunder" sounds. Grizzly
