Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I like trees, but right now they are a big inconvenience for our small little Sundays only ski hill for the kids and families in Bella Coola.  The ski hill  is about 4 km off Highway 20  near the East Branch parking lot in Tweedsmuir Park at the top of the hill (you have to snowmobile or ski into the hill) and so far this year for the first time in 8-10 years we have not been able to open.  We have about 30" of snow, but it's very dry and has no base.  We need to cut the trees so we can ski in low snow winters, because we've been spoiled by good snow packs the last few years that have meant we can ignore the trees.  More work required this summer.  Grizzly

1 comment:

  1. Had the same problem a few winters where I grew up in Elkford. usually the snow levels were massive and not a problem but it did happen twice where we had really small snowfalls and could not ski because of it.

    That first summer everybody got together and had a weekend where we cut and cleaned most of the runs. Was actually a great time, BBQ a couple of times at night and bonfire and beer at night.
