Mt. Nusatsum

Mt. Nusatsum

Friday, December 2, 2011

Debris Avalanche

Last weekend in the Bella Coola Valley when we were experiencing some of the heavy rainfall the coast was getting, parts of the lower Bella Coola Valley warmed up and the snow on the mountains in the lower elevations started to liquefy for a period.  During a brief period there were a number of spots between Hagensborg and the Bella Coola Valley wharf where debris avalanches occurred -- flows of mostly snow mixed with wood, soil and rock.  When they came down it happened quickly and because they were highly liquid they flowed a long way into places not seeing that type of event for a long time.  Grizzly


  1. They must have made quite a roar when moving. We have slides on Goat Island in front of our cabin on occasion when the soil liquifies and trees are uprooted. They cause a terrific roar and cracking sound and trees break and are ripped out of their rocky footing. - Margy

  2. Need to come there sometime....nearly went there by accident once. Took the wrong turn and drove about 50 miles before realizing I was on the wrong highway.
